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Hello World

I'm Edwin

Fullstack Javascript Developer

Tech Stack

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Next gen javascript

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Data base

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React testing libary


I'm passionate about software engineering, eager to learn new skills also improve my exsitng skills. Curently I'm deep diving into Next js which is a production ready framework and React Native.

Please note: Projects are hosted on Serverless Providers, so it might take a second or two to spin up.

Side Projects

Streaming Platform

This project demos a video streaming platform. You can watch full movies and tv shows. Tech Stack for this project is Typescript, Nextjs, GraphQL, Node GraphQL, Styled components, Rxjs, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Prisma, Zod and Postgres.

2024 - in-progress

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Ecommerce Store

This project demos an Ecommerce store. You can search for a make-up product, additionally fine tune the search by using filters. Tech Stack for this project is Typescript, Nextjs, Aws, Styled components, Rxjs, Redux, Prisma and Postgres. The site is hosted on Vercel.

2023 - in-progress

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Sound Bits

This project queries data from two api's. You can Listen to 30s clips of new, old music and save your favourites. Tech Stack for this project is Typescript, Nextjs, Aws, Scss and Postgres. The backend server in built into the api folder of Next so it only requires one server to run, it is hosted on Vercel.

2021 - 2022

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Chat App

This project enables online messaing between users. It was built using Socket Io, it is seperated between two servers, netlify hosts the frontend, whilst heroku hosts the backend. it might take a few seconds to spin up. The tech stack is React js, Node, Aws, Jest and PostgreSql.


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Tv Clips

This project can be used to view Tv shows and Movie Trailers. it uses youtubes api. it also is seperated between two servers, netlify hosts the frontend, whilst heroku hosts the backend. It might take a few seconds to spin up. The tech stack is React js, Aws, Node&Express js and PostgreSql as its database.


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Lets Work Together

Do you have any inquiries?
Would you like to cooperate, I would be happy to hear from you 🙂

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